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Cycling between streams and lakes – Tour of the Two Lakes

Rutas en bici

Cycling between streams and lakes – Tour of the Two Lakes


Cycling between streams and lakes – Tour of the Two Lakes

Colección de cicloturismo de Francesco | Cyclo Ergo Sum



3-4 h

/ día

120 km

2.000 m

2.000 m

With art-filled cities, world-class beaches and idyllic regions like Tuscany, it's little wonder that people from all over the world flock to visit Italy. But there’s another side of this beautiful country; wild nature, untold peace and solitude, the scent of beech and conifer forests and streams that have carved out valleys and lake basins.

In this Collection, I’ve included the Tour of the Two Lakes, a route that starts from Prato and goes to discover the lakes of Suviana and Brasimone, through the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines on the border between the regions of Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna.

The route is 120 kilometres (75 mi) long and has 2,000 metres (6,560 ft) of elevation gain, which I’ve divided into two stages. However, you can use the complete route to plan the length of each day according to your specific needs.

These are two complementary Tours. During the first day, you’ll set off from Prato station to reach the Suviana reservoir with a slow and spectacular climb that culminates at the Acquerino Refuge. On the second stage, you’ll face more downhill than uphill. You’ll return to Prato passing Mugello and following the course of numerous streams and rivers on paved roads and cycle paths.

The objective of this adventure, which can be ridden counterclockwise, is to let you discover this area north of the Florence-Prato-Pistoia plain, set among numerous protected natural areas such as Acquerino-Cantagallo, Suviana and Brasimone, Monte delle Scalette and Monteferrato.

The best times to undertake this route are late spring and autumn. Summer is very hot and in winter you may encounter snow at higher altitudes. The route is suitable for every type of bike but is particularly well suited for racing and gravel bikes.

So, let yourself discover the wilderness of the Apennines. Some sections follow the long-distance route of Eurovelo 7, also known as the Ciclabile del Sole. On your journey, you’ll encounter cycle paths and roads that are never too busy or demanding; small villages and hamlets will bewitch you with their beauty; you'll cycle along the course of small streams or rivers such as the Bisenzio, the Limentra, the Setta or the Fiumenta. In short, it will be a real spectacle.

Enjoy your trip on the Tour of the Two Lakes!

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Tour dei due laghi – percorso completo

120 km

1.990 m

1.990 m

Última actualización: 31 de mayo de 2024

Crea tu propia aventura en el planificador de varios días tomando como referencia las etapas sugeridas en la Colección.

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

    Giorno 1: Da Prato a Suviana – Tour dei due laghi

    56,9 km
    13,6 km/h
    1.170 m
    750 m
    Paseo difícil en bici. Se necesita muy buena forma física. Pistas pavimentadas en su mayoría.

    El recorrido por los dos lagos comienza en la estación de tren de Prato (Prato Centrale), a la que se puede llegar fácilmente en tren. Para salir de la ciudad del pintor Filippino Lippi, utilice los carriles bici "Gino Bartali" a lo largo del río Bisenzio y "Ruggero Balli" en las afueras de la ciudad

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  2. 03:58
    63,4 km
    16,0 km/h
    820 m
    1.250 m
    Paseo difícil en bici. Se necesita muy buena forma física. Pistas pavimentadas en su mayoría.

    Después de una noche de descanso en uno de los campings alrededor del lago Suviana, es hora de retomar la Vuelta a los dos lagos: tras el desnivel enfrentado en la etapa anterior, la jornada de hoy se presenta con más bajadas que subidas porque volverás a Prato en un entorno maravilloso.


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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    120 km
  • Duración
    08:09 h
  • Desnivel +
    2.000 m2.000 m

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