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Bikepacking Veluwe


Bikepacking Veluwe

Wouter Hendriksen | Deurdonderen

Bikepacking Veluwe

Colección de Wouter Hendriksen | Deurdonderen

2 Rutas

09:18 h

199 km

1.050 m

During the Covid-19 pandemic I've been forced to do a lot of local adventures. The closest area to go for big time adventures is the 'Veluwe'. It is one of the biggest contiguous forests in the Netherlands. As most of my routes this bikepacking route is set up for gravelbikes or mountainbikes. It is NOT road bike proof.By combining most of the highlights in the Loenermark, Groenendaal, Deelerwoud, Planken Wambuis, Kootwijk and of course the Kroondomeinen this weekender route offers you beautiful gravel roads, smooth forest tracks and fun single tracks combined with the smoothest bike paths you'll find in Europe.The route of day 1 ends at a camping spot (campingbeekenhei.nl/) where there is a small section marked as nature camping. It's seperated from the main camping ground and offers a nice and quiet camping spots. If you prefer to ride further on the first day there are plenty of B&B or camping options around.The route start at the train station in Doetinchem. You can come there by train, obviously, or park your car. Doetinchem also has other bigger parking lots around for multi-day parking.Have fun and enjoy!

En el mapa



  1. Veluwe Back 2 Basic - Day 1

    72,4 km
    20,3 km/h
    340 m
    320 m
    Ruta difícil en bici de gravel. Se necesita buena forma física. Es posible que tengas que empujar la bici en algunos tramos.
  2. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
    127 km
    22,0 km/h
    710 m
    730 m
    Ruta difícil en bici de gravel. Se necesita muy buena forma física. Quizá haya tramos de la Ruta sin asfaltar o difíciles para la bici.

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    199 km
  • Duración
    09:18 h
  • Desnivel +
    1.050 m

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