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ITALIEN - Wanderungen


ITALIEN - Wanderungen


ITALIEN - Wanderungen

Colección de CaDi

15 Rutas

17:49 h

94,8 km

1.530 m

En el mapa



  1. VOLTERRA 23.06.2021 12:58

    3,22 km
    4,1 km/h
    70 m
    60 m

    VOLTERRA, a very intact Etruscan town with a fantastic cathedral, baptistery and associated Etruscan excavations. Unfortunately only a part visited .....

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  2. 01:58
    6,53 km
    3,3 km/h
    140 m
    110 m

    SIENA .... we treated ourselves to the best at the end. What a splendor! Of all the cities we visited, we liked Siena best. 🥰

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  4. 01:22
    6,14 km
    4,5 km/h
    60 m
    60 m

    PISTOIA .... and again a city that cast a spell over us. So much art and culture that it is impossible to appreciate everything on a "short visit". Unfortunately we could not visit the sights inside as we got there over lunchtime. But the streets and squares were almost deserted. 🥰😃

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  5. 01:00
    4,65 km
    4,7 km/h
    60 m
    60 m

    Yes, this is the rock city of Matera. Capital of Culture 2019. Until recently, "the eyesore of Italy".

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  6. 00:26
    1,83 km
    4,2 km/h
    20 m
    20 m

    On the way to San Gimignano we turned to Certaldo. I immediately fell in love with this sweet, dreamy city steeped in history. It offers everything that Tuscany is about! Giovani Bocaccio, the poet, is buried here. And best of all, there were hardly any tourists on site. Absolutely worthwhile 🥰😍😊

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  7. 00:50
    3,03 km
    3,6 km/h
    100 m
    90 m

    SAN GIMIGNANO .... a beautiful city again. We were there at 9 o'clock and that was a good thing. 30 minutes earlier would have been even better. From 9 a.m. the delivery vans drive into the city and park the beautiful spaces. From 9:30 a.m. the city began to populate with tourists. However, there is

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  8. 01:29
    7,64 km
    5,2 km/h
    300 m
    110 m
  9. 01:04
    4,28 km
    4,0 km/h
    60 m
    80 m

    Unfortunately, Prato is not very well maintained. This is a pity! However, it also offers a treasure trove of architecture. If it is "on the way", a detour is definitely worthwhile. 👍😊

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  10. 00:59
    15,4 km
    15,7 km/h
    240 m
    190 m

    We visited Colle di Val d'Elsa because we did the river hike from there. The place is bursting with palazzi from all possible centuries. Nice, but from our point of view not necessarily to be done.

    We were there at 3:30 p.m. and there wasn't a nice café, let alone a gelateria with its own ice cream. We

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  11. 00:35
    2,90 km
    4,9 km/h
    30 m
    30 m

    Thanks! 🤗

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  12. Después de que desde ayer llovía intensamente y, contrariamente a lo previsto, el cielo estaba un poco más agradable, espontáneamente decidimos explorar la zona a pie, equipados con un chubasquero, un jersey y un paraguas. Pronto vimos un hermoso camino en el interior del país con muchas viñas que ofrec

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  13. 01:02
    5,54 km
    5,4 km/h
    80 m
    60 m

    En busca de paz, sol, hermosos paisajes y oportunidades para practicar ciclismo y senderismo, terminamos en Moniga sul Garda. Una plaza de aparcamiento a orillas del lago, en un lugar totalmente tranquilo y con el "punto culminante" del castillo, cuyas primeras construcciones datan del siglo X. Terminamos

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  14. Hoy hablamos del rap de Schuster o del (re)descubrimiento de la lentitud.

    Hermosa caminata por la ruta de senderismo BVG (parcial) de la zona del Bajo Lago de Garda. Haz una parada en Cafè Pan di Zenzero con deliciosos helados y tentadores manjares dulces (¡probé un Mandorle y estaba exquisito!)


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  15. Hoy estaba "sin hacer nada". Eso realmente no funcionó para mí, así que me alejé un poco. En el puerto de Moniga nos regalamos el peor helado de las vacaciones hasta el momento en “Al Porto”. 😳😂 Al menos se veía bonito 😆. En la ciudad pasamos por una Azienda Agricola "Monte Cigogna" con degustaci

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    94,8 km
  • Duración
    17:49 h
  • Desnivel +
    1.530 m

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