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Fail 12 Gravel Birds, 750 km of gravel far from the tourist cliches in Portugal.


Fail 12 Gravel Birds, 750 km of gravel far from the tourist cliches in Portugal.


Fail 12 Gravel Birds, 750 km of gravel far from the tourist cliches in Portugal.

Colección de ryanlegarrec

5 Rutas

59:50 h

771 km

14.220 m

Also a bit more info and stories here in an article I wrote for the Radavist:theradavist.com/fail-12-gravel-birds-ultracycling-challengeFor Fail 12 I went to race the first edition of Gravel Birds, a bikepacking race of 750 km in Portugal’s biggest region, The Alentejo. The region has a beautiful mix of roughness, hills and small deserts, poverty and poetry on display. It’s arid section down South and just over the Algarve, is often ignored by tourism yet hosts some of the most incredible hidden gems of Portugal’s gravel tracks.
If you are into rough tracks and mountain biking then day 2 is for you, for the more gravel oriented riders, the 350km or so of the last day's route is best!

En el mapa



  1. GravelBirds Last day

    362 km
    14,1 km/h
    5.200 m
    4.950 m

    @Ben Thompson 🏔 hola Ben, muchas gracias, ¡realmente lo aprecio!

    Traducido porVer original


  2. 12:13
    97,6 km
    8,0 km/h
    2.050 m
    2.300 m
  3. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  4. 10:36
    134 km
    12,7 km/h
    3.660 m
    3.210 m
  5. 07:11
    106 km
    14,7 km/h
    1.850 m
    1.930 m
  6. 04:12
    71,2 km
    16,9 km/h
    1.470 m
    1.440 m

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    771 km
  • Duración
    59:50 h
  • Desnivel +
    14.220 m

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