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The ice mountain – hikes in Italy’s Lucretili Mountains

Rutas de senderismo

The ice mountain – hikes in Italy’s Lucretili Mountains

Giampaolo Macorig

The ice mountain – hikes in Italy’s Lucretili Mountains

Colección de senderismo de BeCycling

4 Rutas

19:59 h

58,0 km

2.580 m

This Collection’s name may mislead you into thinking it features the highest mountains in Italy, the great 4,000-metre (13,000 ft) Alps. Instead, you’re about to get to know one of the most interesting and least known Apennine areas in Lazio – the Monti Lucretili Regional Natural Park.

This mountain range is located a few kilometres northeast of Rome, and its highest peak, Mount Pellecchia, is just 1,370 metres (4,495 ft). So why did I call this Collection 'The Ice Mountain'?

Until the end of the 20th century, these mountains were used for the snow trade. Snow was produced here in the form of ice and sold to the nearby town of Tivoli and to Rome. To produce the snow, it was collected in the mountains or in specially dug wells. It was then compressed and later loaded onto wagons to travel to its final destination.

The four daily itineraries I propose in this Collection take you through the surprising biodiversity of this small mountain region. The Lucretili Mountains are unique. They are the watershed between the Apennine mountain chain and the vast Latium plain that extends to the Tyrrhenian Sea. It’s precisely the proximity to the sea that characterises the low altitudes of this massif, with slopes covered by Mediterranean scrub.

You’ll climb to the summit of Mount Gennaro, catching the scent of helichrysum (everlasting flowers), wild oregano and broom. As you reach the rounded summit of Mount Pellecchia, you'll walk among centuries-old beech trees.

Inland, you'll venture into more humid and karstic environments, and water will accompany you on the ascent to Monte Guardia. You'll be surprised by the bright colours of the Percile lakes. You'll find it hard to believe that such different environments and landscapes can exist within just a few kilometres.

The peaks you'll reach have modest elevations, but you'll always feel like you’re on the roof of the world. The view will range from the blue of the sea to the rocky walls of the Gran Sasso massif.

You can venture out on these trails at any time of year. During the winter, I recommend taking a pair of crampons with you as the peaks, which are very exposed to wind, can have icy sections.

You can reach the routes by car, with some starting from villages and others from car parks along secondary roads. I recommend bringing sandwiches or a nice packed lunch to enjoy on the peaks.

These mountains are little frequented and solitary. You'll often walk in the silence of nature. The paths are all well waymarked but, due to the type of terrain, they can be difficult to see due to the growth of vegetation, so always keep your gps available.

You'll encounter many domestic animals grazing freely, such as cows and horses, as well as many wild animals, especially foxes and wild boars. Along the trails, you'll spot the long quills of porcupines and perhaps some wolf tracks. The protected area of the park is also home to a pair of golden eagles.

All this just a few steps away from one of the most famous cities in the world, Rome!

En el mapa



  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

    Anillo del monte Pellecchia desde Monteflavio

    12,3 km
    2,8 km/h
    630 m
    630 m
    Caminata moderada. Se necesita buena forma física. Sendas accesibles en su mayoría. Se requiere tener paso firme.

    Este itinerario te lleva a descubrir la cima desnuda del monte Pellecchia y los grandes claros de sus laderas. La ruta es sencilla y también apta para familias con niños.


    Comience desde el pueblo de Monteflavio y camine durante tres kilómetros por un camino de tierra cómodo y ancho a través de bosques

    Traducido porVer original


  2. 03:12
    9,35 km
    2,9 km/h
    410 m
    410 m
    Caminata moderada. Se necesita buena forma física. Sendas accesibles en su mayoría. Se requiere tener paso firme.

    El nombre de Monte Gennaro quizás provenga de Ianus (Giano), el dios de dos caras venerado por los antiguos romanos. Este itinerario circular te lleva a conocer las múltiples caras de este pico piramidal que puedes ver desde cualquier barrio de Roma.


    La dificultad es baja y se puede abordar con cualquier

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  3. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  4. 05:44
    16,8 km
    2,9 km/h
    750 m
    750 m
    Caminata difícil. Se necesita muy buena forma física. Sendas accesibles en su mayoría. Se requiere tener paso firme.

    Este itinerario te lleva a conocer una joya escondida de las montañas Lucretili, los lagustelli de Percile. Dos espejos de naturaleza kárstica cuyo aspecto recuerda a los más famosos lagos canadienses, de aguas turquesas y rodeados de árboles.


    El camino es fácil y el desnivel se reparte en un largo trecho

    Traducido porVer original


  5. 06:35
    19,5 km
    3,0 km/h
    790 m
    780 m
    Caminata difícil. Se necesita muy buena forma física. Se requiere tener paso firme, calzado adecuado y experiencia en alta montaña.

    Este es un itinerario desafiante pero lo llevará a través de una variedad de entornos naturales increíbles.


    Dada la longitud, te sugiero que traigas una linterna frontal, en caso de que oscurezca en el camino de regreso. A lo largo del recorrido te encuentras con varias fuentes, normalmente llenas de

    Traducido porVer original



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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    58,0 km
  • Duración
    19:59 h
  • Desnivel +
    2.580 m

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