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Colección de Andibonn

17 Rutas

50:29 h

256 km

7.080 m

En el mapa



  1. Saynsteig und Brexbachtal 31.10.2020

    15,8 km
    4,8 km/h
    440 m
    450 m

    The Saynsteig Trail is a premium hiking trail and is therefore very well marked and well maintained. The route is promising and offers a lot of history as well as moist meadows and a lot of forest, such as B. Sayn Castle and a Limes tower with palisade.

    The weather played along today and showed a bright

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    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  3. 03:23
    19,2 km
    5,7 km/h
    530 m
    520 m

    La razón principal que me trajo a esta zona hoy fue la ciudad desierta de Rockenfeld. El antiguo lugar se abandonó en la década de 1960 debido a la disminución de los residentes, y la última casa fue demolida en 1995. Las llamadas áreas desiertas no suelen ser nada especial. Lo especial de Rockenfeld

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  4. 03:18
    15,6 km
    4,7 km/h
    200 m
    190 m

    Today, for the first time this winter, we had the pleasure of walking through a snow-covered landscape with frozen water. If you want to learn more about the man-made Westerwald lake district, you can read here:


    Otherwise, today's photos of the tour speak for themselves

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  5. 02:48
    14,4 km
    5,1 km/h
    370 m
    380 m

    Thank you Dirk Lovely greetings back. 👋🏼

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  6. 02:32
    11,8 km
    4,7 km/h
    440 m
    420 m

    Nice tour with relatively many meters of altitude and sections with great views. The route partly runs along the banks of the Wied and over narrow forest paths. The highlight is the Roßbacher Häubchen, above the village of Roßbach, where basalt columns were broken from 1883 to 1942, removing around two thirds of the hilltop ...

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  7. I suspect it is the kitchen house of the former castle.

    If you want to know more about it:


    There are also various reports of the castle burning down:


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  8. Con el viento y el clima, subía y bajaba sobre las alturas alrededor de Waldbreitbach y Hausen en el Parque Natural Rhein-Westerwald. Debido a la lluvia de los últimos días, los caminos a veces estaban bastante embarrados, pero el Wied y los arroyos estaban bien llenos. Casi no hay indicios de falta

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  9. 02:23
    12,2 km
    5,1 km/h
    290 m
    350 m

    Esta ruta de senderismo premium está muy bien señalizada y marcada de manera ejemplar. La ruta es variada y prometedora y proporciona información detallada sobre la historia de la minería del basalto y qué edificios más o menos conocidos se crearon con el basalto.

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  10. Through the snow-covered forests near Oberlahr, we went left and right along the Wied, which now has a lot of water. The sometimes narrow paths led sometimes along the banks of the stream and sometimes along heights with great views. The bridge over the Wied in Oberlahr is currently closed for construction

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  11. This route is a small but nice loop through the beautiful Westerwald. The via ferrata on the Hölderstein is very short. Experienced mountain hikers only need about 5 minutes for the ascent. After climbing the Watzmann, this little via ferrata was as demanding as the climbing frame on the children's playground. 🧗‍♂️🤠

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  12. Nice route with some peaks, numerous cleared areas of coniferous forest, a brook valley, a small piece of Britain and a lagoon in the former Asberg quarry.

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  13. Today I used the wonderfully sunny weather on the last day of autumn to explore the area above Linz. From the basalt works it goes up on a steep path first through the Rennbachtal. After a few bends you will pass the former Peterhof. The route then leads close to the Rennenberg castle ruins. This was

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  14. 01:27
    8,17 km
    5,6 km/h
    310 m
    310 m

    El antiguo castillo de Hammerstein data del siglo X y, por lo tanto, es probablemente el castillo más antiguo del valle medio del Rin. Alrededor de 1125, las insignias imperiales se mantuvieron aquí por un corto tiempo. (Desde 1954, las insignias imperiales se exhiben (nuevamente) en el tesoro del Hofburg

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  15. I essentially copied the tour from AlexaE. The route includes some beautiful viewpoints and the wonderful Fockenbachtal. In my opinion, one of the main attractions is the ruins of the Neuerburg, even if you can only look at them from the outside and no access to the inside is possible. In summer, the

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  16. Vale la pena ver el roble en Kaffroth, pero "solo" tiene unos 350 años.

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    256 km
  • Duración
    50:29 h
  • Desnivel +
    7.080 m

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