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Aravis Bikepacking #GRVL


Aravis Bikepacking #GRVL


Aravis Bikepacking #GRVL

Colección de LuisaWerner

3 Rutas

16:35 h

210 km

5.730 m

This route is perfect for exploring the Aravis and Beaufortain Alps close to the Mont Blanc massif. There are plenty of viewpoints and gravel roads above the treeline. Bike Choice/Surface: I rode this route on a hardtail mountainbike but it is completely doable on a gravelbike with big tires and low gears. It includes also a large percentage of road. Since I just started riding again after an injury, I wanted to avoid steep climbs and hike-a-bikes. In total, I had to hike my bike for around 10min. Duration: I rode this route in 3 days. 2 "half-days" and one full day. I slept two nights outdoors. Camping: I wildcamped with a bivy at Lac de Roselend and the paraglider starting area above Col de la Forclaz. Both spots were magnificent and camping was easy. I don't think that a tend would have been a problem. I rode the route end of september. I have heard that camping at Col de la Forclaz would be more difficult in the summer season. If you want to split the route differently, the following spots are also great for camping: Anywhere on route de la Soif, Col de Cherel, Col de l'Arpettaz, Anywheren on Cormet d'Areches, Col du Pre. Food: Resupply is relatively easy, particularly during summer, where mountain huts are open. To be safe, try to resupply in the valleys before climbing up. Accessibility: This route goes from Aime-la-Plagne to Montmelian. The start and end location do both have regional train stations.

En el mapa



  1. Col de la Forclaz to Montmelian #3

    66,6 km
    14,6 km/h
    1.260 m
    2.300 m
  2. 08:19
    106 km
    12,8 km/h
    2.840 m
    3.210 m
  3. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  4. 03:42
    37,0 km
    10,0 km/h
    1.630 m
    750 m

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    210 km
  • Duración
    16:35 h
  • Desnivel +
    5.730 m

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