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Wanderung von Schloß Burgk - über Jägersteig - um die Talsperre Walsburg


Wanderung von Schloß Burgk - über Jägersteig - um die Talsperre Walsburg

Wanderung von Schloß Burgk - über Jägersteig - um die Talsperre Walsburg

18,9 km
4,2 km/h
380 m
360 m
  • Guardar una copia del itinerario

Resumen de la Ruta

Punto de inicio
107 m
293 m
293 m
Gasthof Saaleblick
392 m
457 m
470 m
492 m
492 m
512 m
512 m
512 m
732 m
854 m
898 m
1,11 km
2,12 km
2,13 km
2,30 km
2,43 km
2,75 km
3,46 km
3,75 km
3,84 km
3,95 km
3,95 km
4,70 km
5,90 km
5,90 km
6,73 km
Brombeerdorn Kobolt's Zorn
8,99 km
9,12 km
9,12 km
10,2 km
11,8 km
Kapelle Dörflas
12,4 km
12,5 km
13,8 km
Ach nee!
14,4 km
15,4 km
15,5 km
15,7 km
15,7 km
Alter Grenzstein
16,1 km
16,2 km
16,2 km
17,7 km
17,7 km
17,7 km
17,7 km
18,2 km
18,7 km
Pro und contra
18,9 km
18,9 km



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Sal a explorar sabiendo de antemano el desnivel y el tipo de terreno de la Ruta.

hizo una caminata.

28 de marzo de 2021


  • 28 de marzo de 2021

    Today the 3rd hike from Burgk Castle. The trail parking lot started again. It went past the castle, then over the Burgkhammer dam onto the Jägersteig. From here you always have beautiful views of the castle and the Saale and finally you come to the wooden bridge. From here it went towards Walsburg. It

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  • 28 de marzo de 2021

    Great tour and, considering the difficult paths, a very high degree of difficulty 👍

    The wooden bridge looks great, Jägersteig ... ui ui ui 🏔 and I have to read through the pros and cons on site.

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  • 28 de marzo de 2021

    Well, it's about whether a tower could ever have stood there. Some would like it, but there are no signs of it 🤷‍♀️

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  • 7 de abril de 2021

    Pretty sucks, these ways.😬 But you are strong💪 and used to a lot.

    Great tour with a bit of adventure. 👌

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