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ulli-2019 usó komoot para esta aventura

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v. Lilienthal zum Rhododendronpark Bremen[192] mit Edda&Gerd🚦🅱️🦆


v. Lilienthal zum Rhododendronpark Bremen[192] mit Edda&Gerd🚦🅱️🦆

v. Lilienthal zum Rhododendronpark Bremen[192] mit Edda&Gerd🚦🅱️🦆

42,8 km
14,6 km/h
60 m
50 m
  • Guardar una copia del itinerario

Resumen de la Ruta

Punto de inicio
2,47 km
2,70 km
3,19 km
3,41 km
4,70 km
5,04 km
7,28 km
10,7 km
11,5 km
11,5 km
15,9 km
16,0 km
24,2 km
24,7 km
24,7 km
24,9 km
26,2 km
27,4 km
31,5 km
31,5 km
34,0 km
42,8 km



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Sal a explorar sabiendo de antemano el desnivel y el tipo de terreno de la Ruta.

y dieron un paseo en bici.

24 de mayo de 2021


  • 24 de mayo de 2021

    Today I did it. We went to the Rhododendron Park. Simply beautiful here. It's just that you are not allowed to ride your bike on all routes here. We just pushed.

    The tour is in large part by Vlady.

    We were also lucky with the weather, it stayed dry.

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  • 24 de mayo de 2021

    Yes Ulli, we both were not only in the same park today, but also drove a section almost to Ritterhude the same route. I chained my bike to the bridge railing in Park and took a quiet walk through the Rhododendron Park. There were also a lot of people, but the park is also big enough and very beautiful.

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  • 24 de mayo de 2021

    We took our bikes with us and pushed them. Unfortunately, the men didn't feel like walking through the park any longer. Too bad.

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  • 24 de mayo de 2021

    That's why I drove alone 😊

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  • 24 de mayo de 2021

    Great tour! I really like the park. The men must have missed the ships😅😉

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