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Stille genießen – Biberrevier Haltenberger Aue Runde von Kolonie Obermeitingen


Stille genießen – Biberrevier Haltenberger Aue Runde von Kolonie Obermeitingen

Stille genießen – Biberrevier Haltenberger Aue Runde von Kolonie Obermeitingen

16,1 km
4,9 km/h
60 m
50 m
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Resumen de la Ruta

Punto de inicio
1,44 km
2,53 km
2,55 km
2,71 km
3,35 km
4,10 km
7,79 km
10,9 km
13,3 km

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16,1 km



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Sal a explorar sabiendo de antemano el desnivel y el tipo de terreno de la Ruta.

hizo una caminata.

3 de junio de 2021


  • 3 de junio de 2021

    I started with my dogs at Klosterlechfeld. The beginning was great. Beautiful area, quiet and idyllic. I didn't find the way back on the other side so great. Far too many cyclists who come shot in the forest. This is unbearable with dogs because you have to be careful all the time. Next time I'll go back on the same page.

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  • 10 de junio de 2021

    I've been here several times with 🐕‍🦺. On the west side there is a beautiful root path and in order not to get in the way of the 🚴‍♀️ on the east side there is a hidden riverside path and as an alternative the Lech-Höhenweg over the ruins of Halteberg and the Naturfreunde Haus 🏠

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