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Ars Sacrow e.V. usó komoot para esta aventura

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Ars Sacrow e.V.

Über den Mauerweg von Berlin nach Sacrow

Ars Sacrow e.V.

Über den Mauerweg von Berlin nach Sacrow

Über den Mauerweg von Berlin nach Sacrow

43,2 km
10,7 km/h
200 m
200 m
  • Guardar una copia del itinerario

Resumen de la Ruta

11,8 km
26,4 km
27,7 km
40,6 km
42,9 km

Regístrate gratis en komoot para ver más fotos y Lugares favoritos de esta Ruta.

43,2 km



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Sal a explorar sabiendo de antemano el desnivel y el tipo de terreno de la Ruta.

dio un paseo en bici.

27 de junio de 2021


  • 14 de julio de 2021

    This bike tour takes you from Kurfürstendamm through the Grunewald and over the historic Wall Trail to Sacrow. The aim of the tour is the exhibition “Sacrow - The Wounded Paradise”, for which you will be prepared in terms of content through various stops along the route. There will also be some stopovers

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  • 14 de julio de 2021

    For the way back, we recommend taking the BVG ferry across the Wannsee. If you completely cross the village of Sacrow and leave it in the direction of Berlin, after a few kilometers you will reach the Berlin district of Alt-Kladow. With a navigation app, you can quickly get to the ferry terminal, from

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