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3-Seen-Tour · Wörthsee - Pilsensee - Ammersee

3-Seen-Tour · Wörthsee - Pilsensee - Ammersee

23,9 km
370 m
370 m
Punto de inicio
170 m
Bushwhacking alarm! I don't know why I picked this trail, it was suggested in the map. But I recomend actually going around this bushwack.
Small trails and many mosquitos, no real trail like suggested on the map, but still easy to hike.
This is the trail. I found it, yay! Don't walk here and disturb any animals.
5,67 km
7,22 km
7,33 km
7,68 km
11,6 km
12,3 km
13,9 km

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23,9 km

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Sal a explorar sabiendo de antemano el desnivel y el tipo de terreno de la Ruta.
