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Patrick's footsteps to the moon 👣🌙 usó komoot para esta aventura

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Patrick's footsteps to the moon 👣🌙

Zeven - Harsefeld (HB - HH Teil 3)

Patrick's footsteps to the moon 👣🌙

Zeven - Harsefeld (HB - HH Teil 3)

Zeven - Harsefeld (HB - HH Teil 3)

29,7 km
5,0 km/h
130 m
120 m
  • Guardar una copia del itinerario

Resumen de la Ruta

Punto de inicio
399 m
979 m
1,41 km
1,56 km
2,04 km
3,37 km
3,39 km
3,69 km
6,06 km
10,2 km
11,1 km
13,8 km
14,4 km
15,3 km
16,2 km
18,9 km
23,7 km
25,3 km
27,9 km
28,1 km

Regístrate gratis en komoot para ver más fotos y Lugares favoritos de esta Ruta.

29,7 km



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Sal a explorar sabiendo de antemano el desnivel y el tipo de terreno de la Ruta.

y hicieron una caminata.

21 de julio de 2021


  • 21 de julio de 2021

    "You already know that you are walking in the wrong direction" was definitely the phrase of the day today😆. On the one hand, this was certainly due to the fact that most of the hikers on this route are mostly pilgrims who are actually traveling from north to south and, on the other hand, because the

    Traducido porVer original
  • On day 3 of our tour to Hamburg we went from Zeven to Harsefeld today.

    The third day in a row with 30KM was deeper than expected. There were the seemingly endless straight paths, such as the NapoleonWeg with 5KM, not exactly motivation. Unfortunately, the entire route didn't offer a lot of variety, but

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