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Thülsfelder Talsperre


Thülsfelder Talsperre

Thülsfelder Talsperre

10,5 km
4,7 km/h
70 m
80 m
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Resumen de la Ruta

Punto de inicio
0 m
3,21 km
3,94 km
6,55 km

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10,5 km



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Sal a explorar sabiendo de antemano el desnivel y el tipo de terreno de la Ruta.

hizo una caminata.

2 de febrero de 2022


  • 2 de febrero de 2022

    The northern part is more of a promenade on the dyke, but the southern part is all the more beautiful. It goes on paths through a great heath area and on beautiful paths along the Thülsfeld reservoir. I'm a bit along the sandy beach. All in all a nice round. Since there were a few people out and about

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  • Very nice impressions and pictures 👍

    So great inspiration and tip for a trip there 🙏

    I haven't been for years... and n/a why 🤔

    Come into the planning, Holger 🙋 ♀️

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