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Premiumwanderweg Teufelspfad


Premiumwanderweg Teufelspfad

Premiumwanderweg Teufelspfad

7,44 km
6,0 km/h
200 m
190 m
  • Guardar una copia del itinerario

Resumen de la Ruta

0 m
11 m
89 m
228 m
791 m
938 m
965 m
976 m
1,30 km
1,30 km
1,34 km
1,34 km
1,63 km
1,63 km
1,71 km
1,71 km
1,87 km
1,87 km
2,03 km
2,03 km
2,13 km
2,18 km
2,89 km
3,10 km
Wir verlassen den Premiumschotter
3,42 km
3,42 km
3,72 km
3,75 km
4,48 km
4,50 km
4,68 km
5,77 km
5,79 km
5,99 km
5,99 km
6,29 km
6,37 km
6,42 km
6,61 km

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Sal a explorar sabiendo de antemano el desnivel y el tipo de terreno de la Ruta.

y 2 más hicieron una caminata.

31 de enero de 2021


  • 31 de enero de 2021



    After the rain it was just the right tour today! At the individual waterfalls something came down.

    The Haspelfels, Hühnerfeld and Teufelsfels are also worth seeing without the water!

    In the middle there was a little too much forest roads for my taste

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  • 31 de enero de 2021

    If it were summer I would rent the playground at the Hühnerfels, of course only with the waterfall. * laughs * looks strong!

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  • 31 de enero de 2021

    Yes, the place was great. Unfortunately a bit too wet to sit at the moment. The table and bench were also wet.

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  • 31 de enero de 2021

    The premium gravel protects you from muddy shoes 😉

    You definitely had enough water 🤪

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  • 31 de enero de 2021

    The 500 meters of gravel didn't really help :-)

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  • 31 de enero de 2021

    Nice tour. I did it in November 2019 with great sun-foggy moods. Back then without Komoot

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  • 1 de febrero de 2021

    I've already walked the devil's path, short but very worth seeing!

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  • 1 de febrero de 2021

    That was probably the shortest premium hiking trail I've ever done. But just right, if you can see at least the second half of KSC

    would like to.

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  • 1 de febrero de 2021


  • 1 de febrero de 2021

    Now not seriously ... 😂 Amber and I were there yesterday, but probably 3-4 hours later than you. Lg and have a nice week 🙋‍♂️

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  • 1 de febrero de 2021

    I only see it now. It's awesome. We could have met again there ;-)

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  • 4 de febrero de 2021

    Class. Maybe you should do a gorge hike in the area now, after all of them had dried out so boringly in the summer.

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