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Drabenderhöhe, Brächen und vorbei am ehemaligen Munitionsdepot


Drabenderhöhe, Brächen und vorbei am ehemaligen Munitionsdepot

Drabenderhöhe, Brächen und vorbei am ehemaligen Munitionsdepot

8,33 km
4,2 km/h
140 m
140 m
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Resumen de la Ruta

Punto de inicio
1,67 km
3,30 km
6,18 km

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8,33 km



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Sal a explorar sabiendo de antemano el desnivel y el tipo de terreno de la Ruta.

hizo una caminata.

10 de octubre de 2021


  • 10 de octubre de 2021

    Wonderful October weather and then with joy (my goodness) to be on the road. Is there anything more beautiful. In Drabenderhöhe, SGV Lindlar met with several guests and started in a good mood, whether the weather was good, for the tour through leafy forests in the direction of Brächen, planned by Anton

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