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Rutas de senderismo

Wild coasts and mystical forests – Wolftrails Madeira

Rutas de senderismo

Wild coasts and mystical forests – Wolftrails Madeira

© Jack Wolfskin

Wild coasts and mystical forests – Wolftrails Madeira

Colección de senderismo de Jack Wolfskin

3 Rutas

06:29 h

19,5 km

660 m

Madeira is a compact hiker’s paradise in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that charms with its rugged, rocky coastlines, mystical forests shrouded in clouds, and panoramic peaks. The south of this Portugese archipelago is sunny and rocky, whilst the north and inland areas are green and covered in unspoilt nature. Located just off the Moroccan coast, the year-round mild climate makes these islands an attractive destination for hikers in every season.

The two Jack Wolfskin Influencers Rachel Bowler (instagram.com/rachelbowler) and Elliot Simpson (instagram.com/elliotjsimpson) set off to Madeira to explore the islands most beautiful regions. They followed three Wolftrails through wild landscapes, experiencing the different sides of the island’s unique nature. In the north, they hiked through enchanting laurel forests, that are often shrouded in mist, near Fanal. The gnarled trees covered with lichen look like they are from a film set and are a fantastic photo motif.

The second Tour took Rachel and Elliot up to 1,862 metres (6,108 feet) to the highest mountain on the island. At sunset, the sky comes alive in colours. The easternmost tip of Madeira was the setting for the third Tour. Here, mighty waves thunder against the steep coast on the São Lourenço Peninsula. Rachel and Elliot really felt the power of the tides.

If you want to follow in the footsteps of our influencers, pack a waterproof jacket and hiking boots with a non-slip tread. The weather is equally as changeable as Madeira’s varied landscapes. It is precisely these constantly changing conditions that make the island so unique. Hiking with a view of the Atlantic – it’s simply magical!

To get a taste of their incredible journey, check out this video:

En el mapa



  1. Laurisilva Fanal – Rachel Bowler & Elliot Simpson – Wolftrails Madeira

    6,73 km
    3,4 km/h
    150 m
    160 m

    Tan pronto como salimos de nuestro automóvil en Fanal, nos sentimos como si estuviéramos en una escena de película: el bosque de Laurisilva en Paul da Serra en el norte de Madeira es Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO y a menudo está rodeado por una niebla impenetrable. Exactamente esa atmósfera

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  2. El poderoso Pico Ruivo es la montaña más alta de la isla de Madeira con 1.862 metros, el lugar perfecto para contemplar una puesta de sol inolvidable. El ascenso no es difícil y dos cabañas invitan a una parada rústica. Condujimos por sinuosos caminos de montaña hasta el punto de partida, Achada do Teixeira

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  3. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  4. La península de São Lourenço representa el punto más oriental de la isla de Madeira y es conocida por sus extraños acantilados. Una red de senderos seguros y fácilmente transitables se extiende por este extremo rocoso de la isla. Casi no hay sombra en todo el camino, así que nos cubrimos con protector

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    19,5 km
  • Duración
    06:29 h
  • Desnivel +
    660 m

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