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Rutas en bici

Waterside rides in Belgium – Iconic cycle routes in Flanders

Rutas en bici

Waterside rides in Belgium – Iconic cycle routes in Flanders

© Studiovision

Waterside rides in Belgium – Iconic cycle routes in Flanders

Colección de cicloturismo de VISITFLANDERS

Three iconic cycle routes have been unveiled to showcase the breathtaking beauty and rich culture of the Flanders region of Belgium: the Scheldt, Meuse, and Coastal routes. These enchanting trails explore vast landscapes, historic treasures, wildlife havens, cycling community hotspots, gastronomic delights and much more in the Dutch-speaking area of Belgium's north.

Connected by picturesque waterways, these cycle paths make for fabulous adventures. There is always a refreshing breeze, especially by the sea, to fill the senses and invigorate the soul. The perfect combination of culture, pleasure and nature awaits as you ride along the Scheldt river, the Meuse river and Belgium's north coast. So, as they say in Flemish: “Veel plezier met de fiets!” (Have fun with your bike!)

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