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"Harzer Hexenstieg" - Tour 2021


"Harzer Hexenstieg" - Tour 2021


"Harzer Hexenstieg" - Tour 2021

Colección de Mario

8 Rutas

23:47 h

123 km

2.400 m

Der Harzer Hexenstieg mit Brockenumgehung und südlicher Variante über den Köhlerpfad.

En el mapa



  1. Harzer Hexenstieg 🧙‍♀️🧹( Etappe 1 von Osterode nach Altenau)

    24,1 km
    5,0 km/h
    640 m
    370 m

    Today is the start of a new adventure. The Harzer Hexenstieg from Osterode to Thale. The path will lead me in several stages over the so-called alternative routes, i.e. not over the Brocken but as a variant south around.

    This morning the start was the official start / finish in Osterode. The path begins

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  2. Today's stage didn't offer anything spectacular. Immediately after the start, we went up to the Königsburg, an old castle ruin that offers beautiful views of the surrounding area. As a ruin itself, well, certainly of importance for those interested in history. That was the highlight of the day for me

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  4. Today is another stage along the Harzer Hexenstieg.

    I started again with the best weather ☀️ and relatively early in the day 🕗. The birds were singing their songs all around, but otherwise there was still silence in the air.

    The path led me along seemingly never-ending moats. Many a hydrogeologist will

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  5. Today's stage is one of the tours where you say why you are doing it. 😬 You wander there for so long and suddenly there is the noise again that you don't like to hear. No, it's not the rumbling of an approaching thunderstorm like in the last few days, but the harvester's engine. And yes, the barrier

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  6. Last stage of the Harz Hexenstieg. With the best hiking weather started with plenty of ☀️. I already knew the Bodetal from other tours. For me it is clearly the most attractive section of the entire climb. The hiking trail meanders along it at changing heights to the Bode.

    In the area of the Bodekessel

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  7. Finally green again! 😃

    What a difference to yesterday's stage. Of course, there were also some piles of wood to be seen along the way, but by far not in the same quantities as on the previous days.

    From Hasselfelde the tour led past happy cows 🐄🐂 before Hexenstieg and Köhlerweg become one. A small visit

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  8. 00:36
    3,13 km
    5,2 km/h
    30 m
    30 m

    A short city tour after the relatively short Hexenstieg stage today. 😀

    I could also say, finally seeing something green again. 😎

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  9. 00:49
    4,22 km
    5,2 km/h
    30 m
    50 m

    Small tour of discovery before heading to the Harz Hexenstieg tomorrow. 🏞️🎒🚶‍♂️

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    123 km
  • Duración
    23:47 h
  • Desnivel +
    2.400 m

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