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Skitouren im Harz Jan/Feb 2022


Skitouren im Harz Jan/Feb 2022


Skitouren im Harz Jan/Feb 2022

Colección de Radel-Rollo

5 Rutas

18:07 h

102 km

1.840 m

Zur Erinnerung an die letzte Skisaison 2022/21 habe ich hier meine fünf Langlauf-Skitouren im Harz zusammengefasst. Die Saison war sehr durchwachsen.
Nach Neuschneefällen gab es immer wieder Wärmephasen mit Regen und Tauwetter, so dass Ski-Langlauf nur in den bekannten Hochlagen um Sonnenberg und Oderbrück/Schierke möglich war.
Allerdings gab sich die Nationalparkverwaltung im Gegensatz zur ersten Corona-Saison mit der Loipenpflege sehr viel Mühe.

En el mapa



  1. Ski-LL-Tour Sonnnenberg

    18,5 km
    6,1 km/h
    330 m
    330 m

    In the best weather 🌞😎 a nice day of skiing in Sonnenberg. The Rehberger Rundloipe (without scales) and the Schneewittchenloipe were freshly drawn in the morning. However, some water points have to be overcome.

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  2. A beautiful cross-country skiing tour from Oderbrück via the Achtermannloipe and Rotes Bruch to the Dreickigen Pfahl. Continue on the Kolonnenweg (Königsbergloipe) to the Winterberg-/Wurmbergsattel, where the Schierker Loipenhaus is located.

    After the hustle and bustle at the weekend, the trails were

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  3. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  4. 03:46
    23,7 km
    6,3 km/h
    360 m
    330 m

    Started in Hildesheim at 8.30 a.m. and only got a parking space on the side of the road near Sonnenberg.🤔

    But we were not disappointed: With fresh snow❄ and -4 ° C, the snow conditions in Sonnenberg were good and the connecting trail was freshly groomed.🌞⛷

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  5. Use the good weather again ⛅ after the cold front for a cross-country tour ⛷ around Oderbrück. Luckily, the retreating cold front had brought some fresh snow. Temperatures in the morning at 9.30 a.m. in Oderbrück around - 2° C.

    The ascent to the Achtermannrundweg was somewhat problematic and could no

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  6. 03:53
    19,9 km
    5,1 km/h
    340 m
    270 m

    The first cross-country ski tour in the Harz this season from the Sonnenberg car park at the biathlon center. Unfortunately, it was very foggy at -1 ° C, as is so often the case in the Upper Harz.

    The Schneewittchenloipe, the Rehberger Loipe with scales loop were groomed mechanically by the National Park

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    102 km
  • Duración
    18:07 h
  • Desnivel +
    1.840 m

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