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SOLVE BY WALKING with SportsShoes & KEEN


SOLVE BY WALKING with SportsShoes & KEEN


SOLVE BY WALKING with SportsShoes & KEEN

Colección de sportsshoes

1 Ruta

01:01 h

4,20 km

40 m

People walk for fitness, transportation, adventure; they walk to lose weight, reduce stress, feel less anxious; some walk to make a difference, to change the world, to protest wrongs. We learn to walk at an early age. It represents freedom. Independence. It keeps us healthy, connects us with friends, makes our dogs happy. Walking is simple and powerful.
It has the ability to solve problems, to right wrongs, make us better people.
Walking does all this, yet the shoes we wear were never made from the ground up for walking!!! When we walk, our foot travels in a constant arc, but the shoes we wear are mostly flat. KEEN.CURVE™ technology changes that.
It took three years, nearly 10,000 hours of design and development, 5k miles of testing, too many cups of coffee, and a few tears to perfect the KEEN WK400 walking shoe, featuring KEEN.CURVE™ technology. It’s KEEN's first shoe designed from the ground up to create a unique rolling feeling and forward momentum.
To celebrate the launch of the new KEEN WK400, we've put together a collection of short walks recommended by 5 of our trusted hiking ambassadors. Each have their favourite routes and their own reasons for walking.
Take a look at this Collection and find some inspiration for your next adventure!

En el mapa



  1. Linton Falls

    4,20 km
    4,1 km/h
    40 m
    30 m

    Como alguien que vive la vida a toda velocidad, es bueno tomarse un descanso de la presión del trabajo y las exigencias del entrenamiento. Por lo tanto, al menos dos veces por semana me gusta aprovechar al máximo mis pausas para el almuerzo paseando a mi perra Luna por senderos locales en un intento

    Traducido porVer original



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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    4,20 km
  • Duración
    01:01 h
  • Desnivel +
    40 m

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