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Rutas en bici

Vineyards and Alpine views – cycling between Italy’s Sesia and Ticino rivers

Rutas en bici

Vineyards and Alpine views – cycling between Italy’s Sesia and Ticino rivers

© ATL TERRE DELL'ALTO PIEMONTE – Novara | Photo: Filippo Fossati

Vineyards and Alpine views – cycling between Italy’s Sesia and Ticino rivers

Colección de cicloturismo de ATL Terre dell'Alto Piemonte - Novara



5-6 h

/ día

151 km

1.340 m

1.030 m

Enclosed between the Ticino and Sesia rivers, the northern Italian territory of the province of Novara is ideal for discovery on two wheels. A land of plains, hills and immense horizons stretching as far as the Alps, Novara offers ever-changing landscapes of incomparable beauty in every season of the year.

In this Collection, you’ll ride through lush nature characterised by water, the 'squared sea' of rice paddies and the wine hills. From the rows of the latter come excellent wines such as Nebbiolo and the prestigious Ghemme D.O.C.G. – an ideal accompaniment to traditional cuisine.

All around you is the Novara countryside, dotted with castles, sanctuaries and ancient villages rich in history and tradition, where small jewels of art and architectural masterpieces are hidden. These include the works that the great architect Alessandro Antonelli left as a testimony to his mastery in nine places visited on these Tours.

To fully enjoy each route, you’ll need a full day. However, if you have less time available, you can shorten the itineraries thanks to the railway stations on or near the route. At this link, you can find the regulations governing the transport of bicycles by train: trenitalia.com/en.html. The train is also a good alternative to the car for connecting from Novara and Milan to the departure and arrival points of the routes.

Have a good trip!

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

    In bici alla scoperta del Parco del Ticino – In bicicletta tra il Sesia e il Ticino

    68,6 km
    12,4 km/h
    630 m
    470 m
    Paseo difícil en bici. Se necesita muy buena forma física. Pistas pavimentadas en su mayoría.

    Este recorrido lo lleva a lo largo de la orilla piamontesa del río Ticino para descubrir las maravillas del Parque Natural Ticino-Piemonte Valley, que junto con su "alter ego" lombardo constituye el área fluvial protegida más grande de Europa, así como una de las reservas de la biosfera. del programa

    Traducido porVer original


  2. 06:18
    82,8 km
    13,1 km/h
    720 m
    550 m
    Paseo difícil en bici. Se necesita muy buena forma física. Quizá haya tramos de la Ruta sin asfaltar o difíciles para la bici.

    El Monteregio Novarese es la zona montañosa que se eleva desde el municipio de Briona hacia Valsesia hasta las laderas del Monte Fenera. Este recorrido te llevará a descubrirlo en bicicleta, por caminos secundarios que serpentean por el "mar a cuadros" de los arrozales y por las suaves laderas de las

    Traducido porVer original



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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    151 km
  • Duración
    11:49 h
  • Desnivel +
    1.340 m1.030 m

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