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Die Böhm-Touren


Die Böhm-Touren


Die Böhm-Touren

Colección de Freischwimmer

39 Rutas

149:00 h

3.701 km

15.050 m

Als während der Corona-Pandemie die meisten kulturellen und sozialen Orte verschlossen waren, schwärmte mir Liz von den wunderbaren brutalistischen Kirchen des Architekten Gottfried Böhm vor, die in und um Köln herum gelegen als Orte der Seelsorge oft geöffnet waren. Und spätestens sein Tod 2021 im Alter von 101 Jahren regte an, sich mit dem Werk dieses bedeutsamen Architekten der Nachkriegszeit näher zu befassen, der 1986 als erster Deutscher den Pritzker-Preis erhielt, der als »Nobelpreis der Architektur« gilt.Gottfried Böhm, der nach dem 2. Weltkrieg zunächst mit seinem ebenfalls berühmten Vater und Kirchenbaumeister Dominikus Böhm in Köln sein Büro betrieb, schuf mit Beton als wesentlichem Baumaterial skulpturale Bauwerke, die ähnlich und doch so vielfältig sein konnten. Da viele davon im Umkreis von Köln liegen, habe ich während der Pandemie angefangen, diese mit dem Rad abzufahren – viele davon auf Anregung oder in Begleitung von Liz. Mit der Zeit habe ich auch weiter entfernte Bauten in meine Touren eingeplant, und die Resonanz auf meine Berichte haben dazu geführt, dass ich diese Collection zusammengestellt habe. Manche Touren sind explizit diesen Böhm-Bauten gewidmet, bei anderen sind sie wichtige Zwischenstationen – immer habe ich sie mit eigenen Fotos festgehalten. Das »Projekt« ist noch nicht abgeschlossen, so dass ich neue Touren hier weiter ergänze.

En el mapa



  1. Über die Ville geblasen und gegen den Strom zurück gekämpft

    77,5 km
    26,1 km/h
    360 m
    360 m

    The weather played a trick on me against the forecast - nothing of the announced sun could be seen - but at least the wind direction was correct. With a tailwind we went to the wonderfully brutalist Church of St. Stephanus in Brühl and from there with a sliding wind up to the Ville. Upstairs it was nice

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  2. 05:18
    140 km
    26,4 km/h
    690 m
    690 m

    The weather was stormy, but always dry, so that I could finally do a longer tour again. Today we went from Bonn along the Ville - and thanks to Liz's suggestion - with a detour to the wonderful Böhm Chapel in Hürth-Kalscheuren and the Rhine near Cologne.


    My way then led via Brauweiler to the Glessener

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  4. The death of the architect Gottfried Böhm on June 9th made me want to finally visit one of his most famous buildings, the pilgrimage church Maria, Queen of Peace in Neviges. The impressive building made of concrete can be attributed to brutalism. It was built between 1965 and 1968 and is the second largest

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  5. 02:28
    59,1 km
    24,0 km/h
    180 m
    170 m

    Once again there was a Gottfried Böhm pilgrimage, this time leading from Cologne to the Rheinisch-Bergisches Kreis. With the children's village Bethanien in Königsforst and the Herz-Jesu-Kirche in Schildgen, two very special places welcomed us warmly and promoted not only sporting but also emotional

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  6. 02:16
    43,1 km
    19,0 km/h
    280 m
    280 m

    En este (tardío) viaje dominical de Colonia a Bergisch, el programa incluía, además de la iglesia del Sagrado Corazón en Schildgen, la ampliación del histórico centro comunitario "Bergischer Löwe" en el centro de la ciudad de Bergisch Gladbach, ambos edificios de Gottfried Böhm. , que además de caf

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  7. 01:27
    34,4 km
    23,7 km/h
    40 m
    60 m

    Before I took a look at the new Staub & Teer showroom (staubundteer.de) in Cologne, I finally got to the Böhm Chapel (boehmchapel.com) in Hürth at 12 noon made. Just arrived, the wonderful carillon with a composition by Philip Glass started. The two-minute feast for the ears can always be heard on Saturdays

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  8. 02:54
    66,6 km
    23,0 km/h
    530 m
    450 m

    During today's tour in Bergische there were architecture from the post-war period by Gottfried Böhm. It started with the church of St. Adelheid (1962–64) in Müllekoven near Bonn, then after a few mud passages in the Königsforst I made a stop in the beautiful evening light in the Betahnien Children's

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  9. 02:58
    74,1 km
    25,0 km/h
    160 m
    200 m

    Despite or perhaps because of the depressing weather, I wanted to visit beautiful architecture in the region today.


    The first stop was his own house, which the famous architect Gottfried Böhm had designed in 1953/54 not far from the Rhine in Cologne-Weiss. However, no more than one look at the entrance

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  10. 03:28
    65,0 km
    18,7 km/h
    120 m
    100 m

    This tour was dominated by more or less obvious concrete churches in the north of Cologne. From St. Anna in Cologne-Ehrenfeld (Gottfried Böhm, 1954-56) it led in cold, drizzling weather to the wonderful St. Engelbert Church (1930–32) by Dominikus Böhm in Cologne-Riehl and the Friedenskirche (1968–74

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  11. 03:15
    80,1 km
    24,6 km/h
    90 m
    80 m

    I had imagined the start of the Festive 500 differently, but an unpleasant night with a rebellious stomach and a flat tire before the start prevented cycling into the dawn of Christmas Eve. The round on the Rhine became a rollercoaster of emotions with nasty headwinds, hectic last-minute hustle and bustle

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  12. 03:11
    80,3 km
    25,3 km/h
    220 m
    240 m

    With my tour today I was once again on the trail of the architect Gottfried Böhm. Around Bonn the way led me to the churches of St. Mary's Visitation in Alfter-Impekoven (1968/69), St. Adelheid in Troisdorf-Müllekoven (1961-64) and St. Paulus in Bonn-Beuel (1956-58), which is based on the plans of his

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  13. 02:38
    67,2 km
    25,5 km/h
    590 m
    580 m

    In imperial weather I reached my first destination on this tour to the Ahr valley with the Godesburg. According to the plans of the Pritzker Prize winner Gottfried Böhm, the castle complex, which was destroyed in the 16th century, was expanded into a hotel-restaurant complex. Even if only the restaurant

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  14. 03:03
    63,6 km
    20,9 km/h
    120 m
    140 m

    This Sunday tour led, despite adverse circumstances - Rhine floods and mud, icy headwinds, rain showers and darkness that set in much too early - once again to some of Gottfried Böhm's buildings in Cologne. As always, the St. Joseph Church in Rodenkirchen was invitingly open. Unfortunately, there was

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  15. 00:43
    15,9 km
    22,4 km/h
    30 m
    20 m

    Today's architectural tour of buildings by Gottfried and Dominikus Böhm and Brutalism in the Rhineland was quite short. After a brilliant start with the churches of Christ's resurrection and the Catholic university church, the house and architect's office of Dominikus Böhm and the church of St. Maria

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  16. 04:59
    123 km
    24,7 km/h
    690 m
    660 m

    ... and a bit of Böhm always works!


    The Bergisches Land doesn't make it that easy for me, because it's either very mountainous or - at least in the densely populated east of Cologne - there are a lot of red traffic lights. Anyway, today I didn't get through as quickly as I had hoped. But maybe that was

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  17. 04:55
    126 km
    25,6 km/h
    510 m
    480 m

    In Koblenz-Rauental, a Böhm church awaited me again, because the parish church of St. Elisabeth was built in 1953/54 or 1962 (tower) according to plans by Dominikus Böhm with the participation of his son Gottfried. This wonderful church building from the early 1950s is now used as a youth church and

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  18. Una vez más aproveché el viaje desde Bonn hasta el emocionante recorrido ROAAR Strade Colonia desde Ehrenfeld para visitar dos iglesias de Böhm. El San Corpus Christi de Porz en particular hizo que valiera la pena este desvío.


    Cuando el tiempo era seco y el sol se estaba poniendo, el posterior recorrido

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  19. Combiné mi visita a la iglesia de San Roco en Jülich, diseñada por Gottfried Böhm, con un recorrido por la zona minera de lignito de Renania, devastada por el hombre.

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  20. 04:37
    89,3 km
    19,3 km/h
    460 m
    560 m

    En un Viernes Santo "sin automóviles", este recorrido condujo desde Aachen, maravillosamente en sintonía con las iglesias de St. Hubertus de Gottfried Böhm y St. Corpus Christi de Rudolf Schwarz, a través de la antigua vía férrea hasta Jülich, donde St. Rochus nos esperaba otra iglesia de Gottfried B

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  21. Uno de mis tours de primavera favoritos. Si no tiene tantos kilómetros de entrenamiento en sus piernas, las vías del tren son ideales para andar "a través de Bergisches Land" con agradables pendientes. Además, la vegetación sigue siendo tan delicada que se puede ver mucho a derecha e izquierda de las

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    3.701 km
  • Duración
    149:00 h
  • Desnivel +
    15.050 m

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