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Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Información sobre Christian

39,7 km

Tiempo en movimiento

09:24 h

  1. hizo una Ruta de alpinismo.

    28 de julio de 2020

    Obertauern-Gr.&Kl.Gurpitscheck-Talstation Samson-Jet Fanningberg

    15,8 km
    4,0 km/h
    1.000 m
    1.090 m
    1. 29 de julio de 2020

      Start at the youth hostel in Obertauern, climb to the Twenger Almsee first via a partly "steep" supply path, then via a climb. The Twenger Almsee is a dream to take swimming trunks with you. Continue to the large Kurpitschek, first over a well-to-walk path, then a little rocky with a short rubble phase

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  2. hizo una caminata.

    25 de julio de 2020

    12,3 km
    4,0 km/h
    590 m
    580 m
    A le gusta esto.
    1. 26 de julio de 2020

      We started from parking lot P5, which can be reached via a toll road (€ 6) along Longa. After about 2.3 km on a gravel road, the path turns into the forest and you can choose to climb the forest path or a footpath. We chose the footpath. The path leads through the forest up to a few meters in front of

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  3. hizo una caminata.

    22 de julio de 2020

    11,6 km
    4,9 km/h
    410 m
    410 m
    1. 22 de julio de 2020

      For the 1st day, to run in for shoes, super suitable. It took a little over 4 hours including short breaks, but weren't particularly fast. The path leads over long distances on forest roads through the forest. Twice we walked briefly in the wrong direction because of directions that are difficult to interpret.

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