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Bernd Dippel

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Información sobre Bernd Dippel

53,4 km

Tiempo en movimiento

09:18 h

  1. hizo una caminata.

    28 de mayo de 2022


    8,81 km
    2,1 km/h
    360 m
    380 m
  2. dio un paseo en bici.

    28 de octubre de 2021

    41,7 km
    10,8 km/h
    340 m
    320 m
    1. 30 de octubre de 2021

      Start at the bike rental in Olvera. At first it went quickly with a slight incline to Coripe. Once there, we strengthened ourselves at the station. That was not unimportant, as the constant slight incline required energy on the way back. The way back should also be taken into account when planning your

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  3. hizo una caminata.

    6 de mayo de 2021

    2,83 km
    2,2 km/h
    140 m
    140 m
    1. 6 de mayo de 2021

      The ascent is via a narrow, steep forest path. Our walking sticks were very helpful here. On the Erpeler Ley we were rewarded with a fantastic view of the Rhine Valley. Drake with its half-timbered houses invites you to linger.

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  4. planificó una salida en bici de carretera.

    22 de septiembre de 2019

    59,2 km
    17,2 km/h
    640 m
    640 m