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Fail 2 The N222 close to 200 km day on what is considered to be the most beautiful road of Europe


Fail 2 The N222 close to 200 km day on what is considered to be the most beautiful road of Europe


Fail 2 The N222 close to 200 km day on what is considered to be the most beautiful road of Europe

Colección de ryanlegarrec

1 Ruta

09:51 h

195 km

3.400 m

This route is fantastic for the most part, road cycling heaven ! You could replace the start from Porto as I did the day before by taking the 108 instead, for a mere 50 km you will ride with less traffic and more vistas and that will eventually bring you to catch the N222 back nicely. Later on the route do mind the last km until Peso where it gets fairly flat and straight which means cars get rather fast and the shoulder, well there is no real shoulder. After Peso the road gets more quiet as it climbs up in the hills bordering the Douro and offers gorgeous views, bit tricky to resist the urge of a wine tasting with local olives, speaking of which, you better have all you need for refuelling by now as you won't find much until the top (Obvisouly speaking from experience here!) I'd recommend taking two long days to do the whole thing and most importantly to have a proper lunch, diner and yeah some wine tasting, this is the Douro region after all, some of the best portuguese wines and world class port are made there, electrolytes are over rated, take 3 days!

En el mapa



  1. N222 aka "the most beautiful road in the world"

    195 km
    19,9 km/h
    3.400 m
    2.930 m

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    195 km
  • Duración
    09:51 h
  • Desnivel +
    3.400 m

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