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Across the highlands of Lombok


Across the highlands of Lombok


Across the highlands of Lombok

Colección de Bernardo60

3 Rutas

14:39 h

136 km

2.320 m

Nine of us went from Bali to Lombok - taking the slow car ferry to Lembar, staying there the first night, then to Tetebatu for the second, up to Sembalun next to Rinjani for the third night, down to the North Coast and then to the Gilis. Some of us rode all the way, others hired a truck on the hot North Coast to Bangsal from where boats are available to the Gilis. We were going on small roads, concrete paths and single track. Most of it was rideable on gravel bikes or hardtails, two of us had e-bikes. The track down from Sembalun was steep and rocky and we had to push the bikes over longer stretches, unless you are a hardcore biker, better use the main road. There are no alternatives available for the North Coast, but traffic is not too bad. In any case, to find a truck for hire is easy.

En el mapa



  1. Lembar to Tetebatu

    59,9 km
    12,0 km/h
    710 m
    200 m
  2. 06:19
    44,2 km
    7,0 km/h
    1.400 m
    780 m
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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    136 km
  • Duración
    14:39 h
  • Desnivel +
    2.320 m

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