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Wanderungen im Naturpark Hohes Venn - Eifel


Wanderungen im Naturpark Hohes Venn - Eifel

Erich + Margot Schins 👌🌲🍄🥾

Wanderungen im Naturpark Hohes Venn - Eifel

Colección de Erich + Margot Schins 👌🌲🍄🥾

36 Rutas

114:19 h

578 km

11.310 m

En el mapa


Rutas y Lugares favoritos

  1. Baraque Michel-Statte -Sawe-Baraque Michel

    16,1 km
    -- km/h
    320 m
    330 m

    I also have the routes on AllTrails, with pictures and comments.

    I can send you the links if you are interested

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  2. 03:28
    16,0 km
    4,6 km/h
    450 m
    460 m

    A demanding hike with spring-like temperatures. In the valleys of the Bayehon and the Warche it was still very frosty in places. Some "crisp" ascents and descents require a good level of fitness. Surefootedness is required, especially in wet weather or at the end of winter after the snow has melted.


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  3. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  4. Siempre estamos felices de hacer esta caminata circular con el punto de inicio y final en Baraque Michel, y eso en cualquier época del año. Se trata de los pantanos de Valonia. Esta área del pantano es una zona de protección C y no se puede ingresar sin más preámbulos. El camino primero conduce a lo

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  5. 04:26
    19,1 km
    4,3 km/h
    340 m
    340 m
  6. La aulaga floreciente, una sinfonía en amarillo

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  7. 03:00
    15,2 km
    5,1 km/h
    480 m
    480 m

    Very nice hike, recommended, from Huppenbroich/Simmerath, through the Tiefenbachtal and Eiserbachtal. (2-Täler-Weg, signage 51) An icy wind on the heights was our constant companion, but it was sunny and dry. The last ascent from the Tiefenachtal up to Huppenbroich is tough. Generally easy to walk paths

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  8. Sunday October 24th, perfect hiking weather with bright sunshine.

    Today a slightly different hike: first from Einruhr by boat on the Obersee via Rurberg to the Urftsee dam. From here a wonderful hike along the Urftsee and over the Victor Neels Bridge to Vogelsang. Over the desert of Wollseifen and the

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  9. 04:13
    19,0 km
    4,5 km/h
    430 m
    430 m

    Round hike on 29.04.2018, start in Monschau (Dreistracken), Ehrensteinsley, Monschau Castle, Perlenbachtalsperre, Kalterherberg, Rurtal, (Reichenstein) on Mützenich (grill hut) Dreistegen

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  10. Beautiful, somewhat strenuous hike from Mulartshütte with a few surprises. As a result of the flood of July '21, 4 bridges on the Vichtbach were washed away. Right at the beginning of the road bridge over the L12, the 2 more to Rotterdell, (detour of the Eifelsteig) the 3rd in the Vichtbachhangtal. The

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  11. Oh .... Was it so hazy for you? Still nice big round 👍🙋‍♀️

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  12. Más Rutas y Lugares favoritos

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Lugares favoritos
  • Distancia
    578 km
  • Duración
    114:19 h
  • Desnivel +
    11.310 m

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