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Wanderungen im Vinschgau und der Region Bozen/Meran


Wanderungen im Vinschgau und der Region Bozen/Meran


Wanderungen im Vinschgau und der Region Bozen/Meran

Colección de sirniz

51 Rutas

247:20 h

774 km

39.360 m

Auf einem aufwändig angelegten und bestens gepflegten, riesigen Wanderwegnetz kann die begeisternde Berglandschaft dank der bei vielen Unterkünften eingeschlossene Gästekarte mit kostenloser ÖPNV-Nutzung auch ohne Benutzung des eigenen Autos unbeschwert erlebt werden.

En el mapa



  1. Zur Weißkugelhütte im Langtauferertal (Nals/Prad 2021, 11/11)

    10,7 km
    3,4 km/h
    650 m
    670 m
  2. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  3. 00:37
    2,86 km
    4,7 km/h
    30 m
    10 m

    Way home from the train station after the tour through the interesting Prader Sand

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  4. 00:40
    3,27 km
    4,8 km/h
    30 m
    30 m

    Evening walk to the "Indian of Prad"

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  5. 04:58
    15,1 km
    3,0 km/h
    1.470 m
    520 m

    Even though King Ortler was very covered today a very recommendable tour!

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  6. 04:51
    18,3 km
    3,8 km/h
    760 m
    820 m

    Despite rainy weather and a detour because of a tricky spot on the mountain trail an interesting tour.

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  7. 04:38
    15,9 km
    3,4 km/h
    940 m
    940 m
  8. The unfavorable weather forecasts and the intention to visit the Vinschgau Museum in Sluderno in the afternoon prompted us to take a short round in the valley - which turned out to be more varied and exciting than expected.

    For your arrival and departure, it's best to use the region's excellent local

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  9. The Sonnensteig is certainly one of the most beautiful trails in the Upper Venosta Valley. This time we chose a variant along the former Matscher Waals.

    For your arrival and departure, it's best to use the region's excellent local transport network, which is mostly free for tourists.

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  10. Diverse Waal hike on the rather original Bergwaal, where you first have to climb a few vertical meters. A section of the Mitterwaal that is blocked due to the risk of falling rocks also forces you to take a detour up.

    For your arrival and departure, it's best to use the region's excellent local transport

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    774 km
  • Duración
    247:20 h
  • Desnivel +
    39.360 m

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