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Colección de wanderingcrank

13 Rutas

71:32 h

1.120 km

7.060 m

* Indian bureaucracy will drive you mad!
* The bus drivers are by far the most dangerous in India and you should always look out for them, especially where roads become small and be prepared to get out of the way quickly.
Cycling in India in the cities and some of the medium-sized towns is a challenge but difficult. Almost all drivers do not use their mirrors or look behind before pulling out. You will need to have 'your wits about you' and be prepared for sudden breaking. Relax and just go with the flow is the best way to cycle in India.You can often get off the main roads onto side roads and even paved roads through little villages. Whilst this can give you a different aspect of India, maps are often not very accurate and people often don't know if you can get out at the other end of the road.Lastly:
If you find this information useful please consider feeding my Latte habit, ko-fi.com/wanderingcrank
Or if you would like further information on my journey, please see my website:

En el mapa



  1. Delhi - Airport to hostel

    33,4 km
    13,8 km/h
    280 m
    270 m
  2. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  3. 04:15
    62,4 km
    14,7 km/h
    470 m
    320 m
  4. 03:35
    58,1 km
    16,2 km/h
    310 m
    300 m
  5. 07:09
    120 km
    16,8 km/h
    710 m
    710 m
  6. 08:22
    140 km
    16,8 km/h
    840 m
    840 m
  7. 04:00
    56,4 km
    14,1 km/h
    340 m
    340 m
  8. 04:11
    63,8 km
    15,2 km/h
    430 m
    390 m
  9. 04:54
    80,9 km
    16,5 km/h
    450 m
    460 m

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    1.120 km
  • Duración
    71:32 h
  • Desnivel +
    7.060 m

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