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Düsseldorf: Der sogenannte Bürger- "Steig" - Die einzelnen Stolpersteine- Stadtteile


Düsseldorf: Der sogenannte Bürger- "Steig" - Die einzelnen Stolpersteine- Stadtteile

Keith (a.k.a. "Statler")

Düsseldorf: Der sogenannte Bürger- "Steig" - Die einzelnen Stolpersteine- Stadtteile

Colección de Keith (a.k.a. "Statler")

12 Rutas

15:06 h

70,5 km

630 m

Was sind Stolpersteine?Um den Ort, an dem man lebt, zu verstehen, ist es auch wichtig, seine Geschichte zu kennen.Sie sind 10 x 10 cm groß, aus Beton gegossen, mit einer Messingtafel versehen und werden in öffentliche Gehwege bündig eingelassen, damit niemand durch sie zu Schaden kommen kann. Und trotzdem heißen sie “Stolpersteine”, denn wer sie im Vorübergehen sieht, soll im Geiste darüber stolpern, kurz innehalten und die Eingravierung lesen. Unter der Überschrift “Hier wohnte...” wird damit direkt vor dem Wohnhaus des Opfers ein Stück Geschichte in unser alltägliches Leben zurückgeholt. Stolpersteine sollen ein Zeichen der Erinnerung sein, sollen die Opfer aus der Anonymität herausholen, dort, wo sie gelebt haben.Hier in dieser Collection findet Ihr einige Stolpersteine nach Stadtteilen sortiert.

En el mapa



  1. Düsseldorf: Der Bürger- "Steig" - Stolpersteine: Etappe 1: Derendorf & Golzheim (K)

    5,71 km
    5,2 km/h
    40 m
    50 m

    I was inspired by @PRS_Dirk with his tour of Essen.


    They commemorate the victims of the horrific Nazi regime, the victims of the Holocaust. To those people who lived in Düsseldorf as fellow citizens before they were humiliated, expelled, tortured and murdered in the extermination camps. That was and is

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  2. So, that's now the second stage of the "Düsseldorfer- Stolpersteine-Steig". Of course, I didn't just look stubbornly at the ground to discover the stones, but also put the hike together in such a way that I passed some beautiful and interesting points. Just stubbornly looking for the stones would be

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  3. Regístrate para descubrir más sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  4. The Stumbling Stones are a project by artist Gunter Demnig that began in 1992. Small commemorative plaques laid in the ground, so-called stumbling blocks, are intended to commemorate the fate of the people who were persecuted, murdered, deported, expelled or driven to suicide during the National Socialist

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  5. Oberkassel is an upscale residential area with lots of greenery. The Rhine meadows are also located in this part of the city. The park, located on the banks of the Rhine, offers a view of the old town and also serves as an event location. In the summer, the Rheinkirmes takes place there. The elegant

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  6. Let's continue, this time I roamed through the Düsseltal district.

    Most people who live in Düsseltal claim to live in the Zooviertel, or "Zoo" for short. And this despite the fact that there hasn't been a zoo for decades. The Düsseldorf zoo was destroyed in bombing raids during the Second World War in

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  7. Old town:


    The narrow streets in Düsseldorf's old town are lined with chic cocktail bars, hip dance clubs and pubs serving the local Altbier. The restaurants range from Rhineland meat specialties and sushi to Italian cuisine. Cozy cafés can be found on the broad Rhine promenade. Museums in the area include

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  8. Today I roamed through the district of Flingern:


    Flingern is a traditional working-class neighborhood east of downtown Düsseldorf in the second district of Düsseldorf.


    Flingern is made up of the districts of Flingern Nord with a current population of 23,851[1] and Flingern Süd with a current population

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  9. Another stumbling block stage led me to the beautiful district of Gerresheim:


    Gerresheim is a district of Düsseldorf and is located in district 7 in the east of the city on the edge of the Niederbergisches Land. The formerly independent city is one of four urban settlements that developed in the Middle

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  10. A little after-work round today, looking for a stumbling block in Bilk.


    Bilk is a district of the North Rhine-Westphalian state capital Düsseldorf. The area of the formerly independent town was incorporated into Düsseldorf as early as 1384 and, in addition to today's Bilk district, also included the present

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  11. Today we continued (a short after-work walk) with the Düsseldorfer Bürger- "Steig" stage 10 through Unterbilk.


    And as always, there are not only the stones to see but also some things from the respective districts.


    It's nice to get to know your city on foot.


    stumbling blocks:

    See, experience, remember

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  12. Desafortunadamente, no se puede ver ni una sola pieza de graffiti en este recorrido, pero aún así vale la pena mirar las imágenes. Como siempre, no solo fotografié los obstáculos, sino que también les mostré algunos lados de Düsseldorf que no conocen.


    Centro de la ciudad de Düsseldorf:


    Stadtmitte es un

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  13. Esta vez de nuevo con muchos grafitis geniales.


    Oberbilk: Oberbilk es un distrito densamente poblado de Düsseldorf, ubicado cerca del centro de la ciudad y perteneciente al distrito 3. En el pasado, la industria siderúrgica dio forma al antiguo barrio obrero. Desde el cierre de las últimas plantas a principios

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    70,5 km
  • Duración
    15:06 h
  • Desnivel +
    630 m

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