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Psychedelic Purple 💜 Die Heide blüht


Psychedelic Purple 💜 Die Heide blüht


Psychedelic Purple 💜 Die Heide blüht

Colección de Dolle

4 Rutas

07:44 h

34,7 km

390 m

Etwas mehr lila als die Natur es her gibt und die HDR-Regler aufgedreht 💜

En el mapa



  1. Psychodelic Purple 🌅 Morgenröte auf der Rööööders Heide mit ö

    6,79 km
    5,8 km/h
    90 m
    90 m

    The Röders Heide still enjoys the reputation of being an insider tip. There are no cafes with cakes 🍰 or horse-drawn carriage rides, but you hardly see anyone for that, even in the season. If you have left the asphalted parking lot, whose "charm" probably stems from the times of the Cold War (this heather

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  2. El título provisional de esta gira a la que @Wer Wolf🐺 y @Burkhard me invitaron era algo con "amanecer" 🌄, "púrpura" 💜 y Wilseder Berg. Ahora no hay que ser pesimista para predecir con días de antelación que no funcionará 😂🤣. No con los dos, por supuesto, cumplieron su palabra y estuvieron listos

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  4. It was supposed to be a sunrise again, but the cloud cover ... Then it was still a small, fine round from Oberhaverbeck, over the Suhorn, Wümmeberg and Wulfsberg (and if it sometimes looks like that, no, I didn't run through the middle of the heather, there was then no GPS 😁).


    The shots have little to

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  5. 02:43
    7,67 km
    2,8 km/h
    90 m
    90 m

    Another day, on which it was necessary to overcome one's weaker self. It worked, as you can see. Even if Komoot annoyingly sorts the images in an arbitrary order, beyond AI, I was there before sunrise. The sun ⛅ unfortunately hid behind the clouds at the beginning, but the fog offered a bizarre picture

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Información de la Colección

  • Rutas
  • Distancia
    34,7 km
  • Duración
    07:44 h
  • Desnivel +
    390 m

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