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Grönland đŸ‡ŹđŸ‡± 2021


Grönland đŸ‡ŹđŸ‡± 2021


Grönland đŸ‡ŹđŸ‡± 2021

ColecciĂłn de scaurum

16 Rutas

50:16 h

340 km

3.280 m

FĂŒr den Zivilisationsmenschen ist Grönland absolute Erholung - wenn er sich darauf einlĂ€sst. Freundliche Menschen, keine Autos, Weite, grandiose Natur, die zum Schauen, Verweilen, Wandern, Paddeln und vielen anderen AktivitĂ€ten einlĂ€dt. Ein Schatz, den es zum Bewahren gilt.

En el mapa


Rutas y Lugares favoritos

  1. đŸ‡ŹđŸ‡± Ilulissat mix

    4,23 km
    2,7 km/h
    90 m
    90 m

    Small city tour also to the rusty corners of the "tourist metropolis"

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  2. 03:38
    11,2 km
    3,1 km/h
    220 m
    210 m

    Before we leave the American continent tomorrow, we wanted to soak up the ice fjord from its most beautiful side. Amazing how the pack ice has gone back over the last 5 days.

    The new Icefjord Center with its well-made exhibition on the “history” of the ice and life around it is highly recommended.


    All in all, simply (n) ice đŸ„°

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  3. RegĂ­strate para descubrir mĂĄs sitios como este

    Recibe recomendaciones de senderos, montañas y otros sitios increíbles.

  4. 04:22
    13,7 km
    3,1 km/h
    380 m
    390 m

    Okay, today I smuggled a few photos from our journey to Ilulissat for the tour. The drive through the cracking ice was just too spectacular. Apparently it wasn't the sweat of fear that motivated some to take a bath đŸ„¶ The hike on the Icefjord has long been one of my dream destinations ... and now I know

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  5. 02:39
    91,1 km
    34,4 km/h
    350 m
    360 m

    Today we failed because of the ice barrier on the way to the Eqi Glacier. The glacier is one of the most "active" and you can watch the debris break into the sea. I would say he did a great job and clogged the sea so that shortly before the destination there was no more getting through and we had to

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  6. 01:11
    3,21 km
    2,7 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    After a walk in the village in the morning, the afternoon kayak trip was the highlight of the day before the northern lights made us dream.

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  7. 06:16
    18,9 km
    3,0 km/h
    320 m
    330 m

    Today we went with the rucksack and on Schuster’s pony to Rodebay, a small village with 30 inhabitants, but a fish factory (9 employees), supermarket (2 employees), hotel (1 man business). There is also a restaurant (currently closed) whose German owners were killed in a boat accident 5 years ago. A

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  8. 03:31
    10,0 km
    2,9 km/h
    150 m
    150 m

    Today we had a guide who showed us the beauties and peculiarities of the disco island and told us a lot about life "then @ and" today. On a dream day like this, gentle hiking is pure relaxation.

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  9. 02:29
    6,51 km
    2,6 km/h
    70 m
    60 m

    If you want to call it that, then we've got it right. On the boat trip from Nuuk to Disko Island, it almost only rained. In Sisismiut we were allowed to C. Do not get out. Fortunately there was so much sleep to catch up on ... in the morning we were greeted by numerous whales and then the first ice cathedrals

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  10. 07:02
    123 km
    17,5 km/h
    890 m
    900 m

    Today the capital of Greenland and an abandoned fishing settlement. On the way the first icebergs 😃

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  11. 01:44
    7,85 km
    4,5 km/h
    130 m
    110 m

    We have just waited for the onward flight with an extensive museum visit and a visit to the village dogs.

    Unfortunately, the flight is delayed by 3 hours, but there is still time to upload the tour 😊

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  12. 01:33
    3,09 km
    2,0 km/h
    30 m
    30 m

    Another beautiful day on the ice, even if it started with 🌧. We learned a lot about the landscape, crevices and troughs, that glaciers and inland ice are not the same and that there are also crazy people who bathe in the lake and pools.

    On the way back we saw reindeer, an arctic fox and a mountain hare.

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  13. 01:03
    2,91 km
    2,8 km/h
    60 m
    40 m

    Yes ALEX, you are right
. many great events are still planned for us on this trip. The last 2 days, the camp and the overnight stay on the inland ice sheet was absolutely amazing. In addition to the endless space and silence, the evening brought us the first northern lights of the trip.

    On the drive to

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  14. 01:16
    4,24 km
    3,3 km/h
    60 m
    60 m

    Small hike to the tanks, where there are supposedly fossils in the sand, but we didn't find them. The landscape looks unreal, like on the moon. The installations of the tank systems do the rest.

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  15. 04:32
    13,7 km
    3,0 km/h
    460 m
    430 m

    Today after a pleasant flight a short hike in search of musk ox in the wild and on the plate 😋😉

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  16. 05:29
    19,1 km
    3,5 km/h
    60 m
    60 m

    You'd think there's always something going on in this city, if it's not the replacement of the royal guard, then it's the Ironman, which today took a few extra steps.

    The trip by ship made up for that. It's great that the public transport day pass is valid there.

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  17. 01:59
    7,64 km
    3,9 km/h
    10 m
    10 m

    It was pure coincidence that we arrived in Copenhagen for Pride Week. The Danish capital has always been very open, but today it still felt like a big open-air party like there was no C.

    As we did for the first vacation this year, today we met dear relatives who had come with the đŸšČ.

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  18. La Iglesia del Redentor (griego: Annaassisitta Oqaluffia, danĂ©s: Vor Frelser kirke) es la iglesia mĂĄs famosa de la capital de Groenlandia, Nuuk. El edificio es un hito y se encuentra en el Puerto Colonial, la parte mĂĄs antigua de Nuuk. Fue construido a partir de 1848 y consagrado por Carl Janssen el 6 de abril de 1849. Una cĂșpula fue reemplazada por la torre actual en 1884. El edificio reemplazĂł a una iglesia de 1758. Desde 1994, la iglesia de madera roja ha sido la iglesia catedral evangĂ©lica de la DiĂłcesis semiautĂłnoma de Groenlandia de la Iglesia Popular Danesa.El Ăłrgano de diez registros en dos manuales y pedal proviene de Marcussen & SĂžn y fue instalado en 1970. Dos candelabros de latĂłn son un regalo de la Iglesia de Noruega. En el interior de la iglesia, cabe destacar una pintura de Carl Rasmussen y un relieve en mĂĄrmol. Hay una estatua de Hans Egede justo encima de la iglesia. Justo enfrente hay un monumento a Jonathan Petersen.(Fuente: de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erl%C3%B6serkirche_(Nuuk) )

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    Consejo de scaurum

  19. loading

    Ilulissat, Icefjord

    Lugar favorito para senderismo

  20. MĂĄs Rutas y Lugares favoritos

ÂżTe gusta esta ColecciĂłn?



InformaciĂłn de la ColecciĂłn

  • Rutas
  • Lugares favoritos
  • Distancia
    340 km
  • DuraciĂłn
    50:16 h
  • Desnivel +
    3.280 m

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